Andava Digital Marketing Agency

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80 job history

Andava Digital Marketing Agency is a trusted partner of many global, regional and local brands and businesses worldwide.

We are on a mission of providing businesses with expert services, brilliant customer support, and result-driven marketing campaigns. Our team’s recent achievements were recognized globally by Google, naming Andava as Google Premier Partner in 2022.
Andava provides the perfect mix of professional development opportunities with the positive working environment. With more than a decade of experience, the team managed to come up with Strong Work Ethics, combined with exceptional respect towards Work-Life Balance, that makes Andava a dream place to work.

Industry: Marketing/Advertising/PR
Date of Foundation: 2009

Number of Employees: up to 50

Location: 4 Hrachya Kochar St, Yerevan, Armenia


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4 Hrachya Kochar St, Yerevan, Armenia