L E Technology Solutions LLC

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Local Express is a fast-growing e-commerce platform that was founded in 2016 by three entrepreneurs with a shared vision of bringing high-quality delivery and online shopping to independent grocers and food retailers. With offices in Los Angeles, CA, and Armenia, Local Express is dedicated to providing a comprehensive solution for merchants who want to switch their businesses online. The company has a strong culture of transparency and is committed to delivering an affordable, turn-key solution that enables its clients to compete in the modern marketplace. Local Express is constantly innovating and expanding its services to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers.

In 2018, the company launched a new feature that allows users to schedule and automate their deliveries, making it even easier for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. Whether you own a grocery, butcher shop, or fish shop and are looking to take your business online, Local Express is the ideal solution for you.  With its dedication to customer service and innovative features, Local Express is the company you can trust to help you succeed in the e-commerce world.

Local Express team member is identified by professionalism and determination to take initiative. So, if you're ready to take risks and learn new things, don't hesitate to contact us and join our wonderful team!


Industry: e-Commerce
Date of Foundation: 2017

Number of Employees: 50-200

Location: 6 Bryusov street, Yerevan, Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia


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Medical insurance
Flexible working schedule
Day off
Knowledge sharing culture
Family medical insurance
Reward System
Happy Hour
Teambuilding and corporate events
No dress code



6 Bryusov street, Yerevan, Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia