Prima Finance LLC

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Prima Finance is an accounting and financial consulting firm. It provides localized and international solutions in accounting and financial management with our clients. Our aim is to enhance Prima’s competency and performance through result-based solutions. We’re effectively combining financials, processes, people and systems, designed to match clients individual requirements. Prima Finance realizes the need to adapt in our rapidly changing world. As well as the importance of getting better at growing and developing from within, at creating strong internal customer-supplier relationships. We seek to build and sustain a leadership position in the regional market. Our tool for that is to work through fast responses, continuous innovation and customer satisfaction. We inspire such things as team’s enthusiasm, inspiration, motivation, loyalty. All in all, building Prima’s culture and values is complies with our general strategy. Prima Finance believes in client Focus and Loyalty. And we achieve it through quality solutions coupled with commitment in a teamwork environment.

Industry: Finance/Banking/Insurance

Location: 105/1 Teryan street (1.48 km) 0009 Yerevan, Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia


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105/1 Teryan street (1.48 km) 0009 Yerevan, Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia