Ադմինիստրատիվ/Ֆինանսական խորհրդատու

Դիմել էլ. փոստով

Վերջնաժամկետ՝ 15 Հուլիս 2024

Աշխատանքի պայմաններ՝ Պայմանագրային

Կատեգորիա՝ Ադմինիստրատիվ/օֆիսային

Աշխատանքի տեսակը՝ Ամբողջ դրույք

Գտնվելու վայրը՝ Երևան

Աշխատանքի նկարագրություն՝

  • To supervise and centralise the financial management of the mission.
  • To ensure the financial management of a site, while complying with the rules of the mission, the local context, local legislation, donors’ rules and the MdM policies and values.
  • To Ensure compliance with MdM deadlines, procedures and policies
  • To lead/supervise teams, directly or indirectly (line or operational management) and/or support partner(s).

Աշխատանքային պարտականություններ

  • Preparation and submit the monthly/annual budget (forecasts and actual) alongside operational teams (MdM and/or partners)
  • Checking the mission’s accounting (check accuracy and consistency), close and submit the accounts
  • Management of the mission’s cash-flow (minimum levels of cash, update bank accounts and the mission accounts, internal transfers, regular checks on balances)
  • Preparation requests for cash supplies (annual and monthly)
  • Elaboration of amendments and financial reports, monitoring of donor contracts and their consumption, propose amendments if necessary
  • Adapting and translating into English any financial local documents required for the reports
  • Might be asked to manage international transfers between MdM representations
  • Keeping the financial archive in the mission (do the copies, classify and archive)
  • Supervision and control the production of internal and legal accounting documents (state of the accounts, banks, justification of balances, financial records, etc.)
  • Monthly preparation of salaries and social charges and perform all payments
  • Conduct bank and cash payments, bank cards management
  • Check invoices (compliance check), file, copies, archive
  • Checking and monitoring partner's financial reports as stipulated by the partnership agreement
  • Alert operational staff and line managers to any discrepancies in consumption and financial risk
  • Monitor the implementation of the financial and cash management procedures of the mission and/or partners
  • Communicate, advise and provide support to teams (MdM or partners) in understanding the financial framework.
  • Provide technical support to operational staff, on-site financial staff and/or partners
  • Contribute to the development of the framework, procedures and tools. Suggest adjustments to processes and tools
  • Consolidate, control and communicate accounting related information
  • Follow-up budget with the program team and lead the process for budget planning and budget revision
  • Monitor the financial plan
  • Check allocations (accounting and budget, donor codes) regularly
  • Accounting software SAGA configurations
  • Consolidate supply requests and prepare the overall requests for mission supplies
  • Contribute to audit management (prepare documents, respond to auditors, follow-up recommendations, etc.)
  • Monitor the legal and fiscal framework
  • Supervise the archiving of accounting and financial documents
  • Monitoring contracts that are under his/her responsibility, proofread mission contracts
  • Advise, arbitration, and support the measures to be taken in the event of difficulties, and/or incidents

Անհրաժեշտ հմտություններ

Main skills

  • Master accounting and financial procedures (NGOs and donors)
  • Master in Excel and the Microsoft Office Pack
  • Ability to use field accounting software (SAGA)
  • Summarise and communicate/submit on the financial and accounting management procedures of MdM and donors
  • Analyse significant discrepancies between forecasts and actual records, interpret them contextualise them, identify the causes and risks, warn
  • Understand and interpret a legal and fiscal framework
  • Adapt schedules according to priorities and unforeseen event
  • Understand and identify institutional donors’ cycles and procedures
  • Read, construct and analyse a budget and carry out budget monitoring
  • Communicate (speaking and writing) in a foreign language
  • Analyse and communicate accounting and budgetary information
  • Share professional expertise
  • Organise the priorities of the relevant activities, adapt planning according to priorities and hazards
  • Work in a team
  • Proactivity
  • Draft professional documents, draft and format notes, documents and/or reports
  • Take decisions and arbitrate

Education / Previous professional experience required:

  • Higher education (five years post-secondary education)
  • Four years of experience required in financial and/or accounting management.

Պահանջվող թեկնածուի մակարդակը: Չսահմանված

Լրացուցիչ տեղեկություն



Conditions of employment:

  • Employment contract,
  • Salary on base of MDM salary grid, 812,225 AMD including taxes
  • Health insurance, transportation and lunch allowance

How to apply:

Interested candidates are welcome to send their CVs and cover letters to recruitmentmdmcaucasus@gmail.com mentioning the name of the position in the subject line. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.



Խնդրում ենք հստակորեն նշել, որ աշխատանքի մասին տեղեկացել եք staff.am-ի միջոցով:

Մասնագիտական հմտություններ

Ադմինիստրատիվ աջակցություն


Անձնական հմտություններ

Անկախ աշխատելու հնարավորություններ

Թիմային խաղացող

Տարածեք այս հայտարարությունը սոց․ մեդիայի միջոցով։