Basic Corporation

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34 job history

“Think new with us”-it’s the way company “Basic Corporation” announces the beginning of every new cooperation, opening of every new store, integration of every new employee into its professional and experienced team both in Armenian and in international market.

“Basic Corporation” is one of the leading retail companies engaged in clothing and footwear sales in Armenia and Georgia. We represent European high-quality apparel for man, woman and kids for all age groups.

Having extensive years of experience, company “Basic Corporation” has its own place in the market being the symbol of quality, stability and loyalty. Currently the company represents its clients 15 store chains of clothing and footwear, which are located in the busy and trendy areas of the city.


Industry: Retail business
Date of Foundation: 2006

Number of Employees: 50-200

Location: Babajanyan 4/12, Yerevan, Armenia


Active jobs (0)

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Babajanyan 4/12, Yerevan, Armenia
(060) 377-713