Science, Accelerator Physics, Technology & Engineering, Education
CANDLE SRI is a research institute, founded in 2002. The present scientific activities of the institute involve multidisciplinary sciences, such as: accelerator physics, laser physics, materials science, experimental biology and radiation physics. The actual laboratories established at CANDLE are:
- RF (radiofrequency) laboratory
- Laboratory of Experimental Biology
- Microscopy laboratory (Scanning Electron-SEM, optical and two-photon microscopy)
- Laboratory of Advanced Materials
- Laboratory of Vacuum Technologies (vacuum welding, brazing, systems and sub-systems),
- Femtosecond laser-based DELTA laboratories (two-photon experimental station, laser generated THz radiation, micro-fabrication experimental station)
- AREAL – a laser driven photocathode RF gun based electron accelerator with ultra-short (sub-picosecond) pulses, up to 150 pC bunch charge and up to 5 MeV energies.