PI Hospitality LLC

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0 active jobs

30 job history

With years of experience and steadfast values in the field of hospitality, Pi Hospitality's ideology is rooted in the mathematical truth that π (Pi) is a constant number used for calculating the surface of a circle, with an unchanging numerical value (3.14). This is directly proportional to our company's enduring values of integrity and commitment to continuous improvement. Associated with the circle, Pi symbolizes the successive cycles of our generation, which are passed from one generation to the next, each time maintaining the modern and unchanging mission of ensuring the happiness of our employees and guests.

Industry: Tourism/Hospitality/Entertainment
Date of Foundation: 1982

Location: Arinj, Paruyr Sevak dis., 4 str․, 2nd trad. center, Yerevan, Armenia

Active jobs (0)

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Arinj, Paruyr Sevak dis., 4 str․, 2nd trad. center, Yerevan, Armenia