Khayts Ishkhan

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Khayts Ishkhan company was established in 1999 in Gyumri. The company specializes in trout breeding. Khayts ishkhan represents two major subbrands.

Cherkezi Dzor is a fish restaurant in Gyumry. The restaurant is the leader in the region and is unique by the menue, which includes only fish and fish products.

GyumryEco is a trout breeding firm, which is focuses on production of Rainbow trout and rainbow Trout caviar. The Caviar is sold in most supermarkets in Yerevan and is exported to Russia, Belarus, Singapore, and to United States.

Industry: Tourism/Hospitality/Entertainment

Number of Employees: 200-500

Location: Karmir Berd 1, Yerevan, Armenia


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Karmir Berd 1, Yerevan, Armenia