Office of the Prime Minister of the RA

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The Prime Minister’s Staff has the task of ensuring the enforcement of the powers vested in the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers of the Republic of Armenia, as well as making preparations for Cabinet meetings.

The Staff implements its activities based on the laws of the Republic of Armenia, as well as on the Statute of the Government Staff and on its own by-laws.

The Staff ensures oversight of the execution of decisions and assignments issued by the RoA Government and the Prime Minister.

Industry: Government
Type: Not-for profit organization

Location: Republic Square, Government House 1, 0010 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia


Active jobs (0)

Currently there are no active jobs from this organization

“Our problems can only be solved through work, relying on our talent” - PM meets with Armenian specialists from Silicon Valley

Our main message is: Education is the formula of well-being. The formula for a successful life is an education that gives our citizens professional skills and, of course, educational reform is of paramount importance to us.

Recently, I presented to Stepanakert a draft strategy to be implemented by 2050. One of our strategic objectives is to make education a public and national practice, which means for us that the educational process in the Republic of Armenia should start at 3 years old, that in our country, all 3-year-olds should have access to nursery schools and that the educational process is never completed, that is to say even after graduating from university and have a successful career, the education process should not be completed.

Nikol Pashinyan: “We abide by a high-paid wage policy to encourage highly qualified professionals"

We have already indicated that the vision of the economy of the Republic of Armenia is as follows: Armenia should become a high-tech country and the technology sector should become the engine of its economy. To clarify this wording in more detail, I can emphasize that our vision is that in 10 years, the 10 or 20 largest companies in Armenia should be companies in the technology sector․․․

“The well-being of our country depends on one person, and each of us is that person”-Prime Minister

And, yes, we pay tribute to every working person, every creative person, and I personally bow to those who know that the future of Armenia depends on one person, and that person is themselves, and they are ready to work and work for this future .


Republic Square, Government House 1, 0010 Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia