Pacific Architects and Engineers

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Industry: Education

Location: Yerevan, Armenia


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About Us

For more than 60 years, PAE has tackled the world’s toughest challenges to deliver agile and steadfast solutions to the U.S. government and its allies. With a workforce of more than 20,000 on all seven continents and in more than 50 countries, PAE delivers a broad range of operational support services to meet the critical needs of our clients.

In countries across the globe, ICITAP and OPDAT develop professional law enforcement and criminal justice institutions that can effectively combat terrorism, terrorism financing, money laundering, economic crime, organized crime, corruption, cybercrime, intellectual property crime, and trafficking in persons and narcotics, among other crimes.  In building reliable foreign partners, developing accountable legal institutions, and promoting the rule of law, ICITAP and OPDAT advance U.S. law enforcement goals and national security interests worldwide. In partnership with the Departments of State and Defense and from the U.S. Agency for International Development, OPDAT and ICITAP deliver assistance, which is instrumental – not only in stopping transnational criminal activity before it reaches the United States – but also in combating transnational criminal activity directly impacting the United States through their strong foreign law enforcement relationships, resulting in timely information sharing and case cooperation with foreign law enforcement officials. 


Yerevan, Armenia