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"SIL INSURANCE" Insurance Closed Joint Stock Company was founded on March 2, 2000. State registration N 286.120.03844 (was re-registered by the CB of RA in 2008, registration certificate N 6). A license of realization of non-life insurance (ԱՊՈ 0033) was provided to the Company by the order N 62 of the Minister of Finances and Economy of RA on April 21, 2000.

"SIL INSURANCE" ICJSC was re-registered and re-licensed on March 25, 2008 and was provided with a license of realization of non-life insurance ԱՊՈ 0004 (0033).

The company was founded by the Sukiasyan family (each with a 25 % turnout) Khachatur Sukiasyan, Saribek Sukiasyan, Eduard Sukiasyan, Robert Sukiasyan.

The Mission of "SIL INSURANCE" ICJSC is the provision of high quality insurance services to the vast segments of society in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, ensuring complete satisfaction of the customers’ demands, as well as provision of services in accordance with their demands.

The Company realizes insurance under the following classes:

  1. Personal accident insurance (including production damage and occupational diseases)
  2. Motor insurance (excluding railway)
  3. Cargo insurance
  4. Fire and natural disasters insurance
  5. Property insurance from other damages
  6. Motor (including cargo) third party liability insurance
  7. General liability insurance
  8. Financial damages insurance
  9. Health insurance
  10. Assistance insurance

"SIL INSURANCE" ICJSC holds its own place in the insurance market, it has a stable position thanks to the professionalism of its personnel, insurance strategy, principles and reliability.


Industry: Finance/Banking/Insurance
Date of Foundation: 2000

Number of Employees: 50-200

Location: 3/5, Aram str., Yerevan, Armenia


Active jobs (1)


Medical insurance
Teambuilding and corporate events
Complimentary tea, coffee and refreshments
"Baby born" package
Day off
Family medical insurance
Knowledge sharing culture
Special day-offs
Gifts for different occasions
Time off


3/5, Aram str., Yerevan, Armenia