Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE)

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The Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (UATE) was established in 2000 as a business association that represents the collective interests of the high tech industry. UATE unites 126 local and international companies operating in Armenia in the fields such as software, Internet Technologies, e-commerce, IT research and development, semiconductor technology, etc. UATE’s mission has always been broader than the narrow interests of its member companies and it serves the needs of the overall community. As such, UATE has works closely with the government of Armenia, private, international and non-profit organizations to promote the development of the tech sector in Armenia by focusing on education, digitization of society, promotion of Armenian technology via its  programs, initiatives such as Armath Engineering Labs, DigiTec, InnoIjevan, Armenian Technological Future (ATF)․

Position Armenia as one of the International High-Tech market leaders by supporting a favorable business environment, implementing lobbying and development projects, supporting High-Tech education and consolidating field players.

Armenia is among the top 20 countries of the International High-Tech Market.

• High-tech Education & Workforce Development
• Promote Armenian High-Tech Brand (Why Armenia)
• Private Sector & Government Cooperation
• Industry Lobbing
• Business and Entrepreneurship Development
• UATE Development

Industry: NGO/International organization
Type: Not-for profit organization
Date of Foundation: 2000

Number of Employees: 50-200

Location: Voskerichneri St., 1 Building, Yerevan, Armenia


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Voskerichneri St., 1 Building, Yerevan, Armenia