Women's Support Center

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Women’s Support Center (WSC) is a non-profit and non-governmental organization that works  on prevention of domestic violence (DV) with a particular focus on men’s violence against women who are or were in an intimate relationship. We are a full-service domestic violence center and also engage in advocacy work to create systemic change for victims of DV. 

Our objective is to create a safe environment for women — a place where they receive support, empathy, and the knowledge that they are not alone in their struggles. Women are provided with practical learning about domestic violence, as well as counseling that bolsters self-esteem and confidence. Frankly, it is a difficult task to dissipate years, sometimes decades, of control, fear, even brainwashing of the victims in a matter of a few months. It is a long process faced with many lapses, bumps and bruises. 

The Center also strives to change myths and taboos regarding domestic violence and, more broadly, the role of women in society. We uphold progressive values that promote political, economic, and social rights of women. Thus, we are involved in not only social work per se, but also combating larger, thornier problems of gender inequality, stereotypes, patriarchal values, so that women can live in safety, in peace, and as equals. 

Industry: NGO/International organization
Type: Not-for profit organization
Date of Foundation: 2010

Number of Employees: 50-200

Location: Sepuh Street, Yerevan, Armenia


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Sepuh Street, Yerevan, Armenia