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How to Create, Market, and Grow an Inspired Business

11 USD
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Training Description:

Are you looking for business hacks or marketing secrets to help you get-rich-quick in business? If so, you can STOP reading right now. This is NOT the course for you.

If however, you’d like to learn how to build a business for the long run, one that can support you for many years to come, you're definitely in the right place.

Hi, my name is Debbie LaChusa.

I’ve been in business on my own since 1998—that’s 20 years, and I don’t have plans to quit anytime soon. 

In that time I’ve built three successful, six-figure businesses…

  1. A virtual marketing agency
  2. A coaching/consulting business
  3. An online course business

To be successful in business long term, in today’s quickly changing world, you need to be nimble. 

The odds the business you start today will be the same business you’ll be running 10 or 20 years from now are slim. There’s a better chance your business will evolve, pivot, and shift with the times. Or, at least in keeping with your interests.

After 20 years in business on my own, I’ve learned a few things about how to create, market, and grow a business. 

I’ve also learned there’s a hard way to do it, and a much easier way.

And that easier way is what this course is all about.

In this course I’d like to teach you what it’s taken me the last 10 years to finally realize.

I’d like to share with you what I call the X Factor in any successful business.

It’s what will help you build a business that’s true to your passions, provides you with a sense of purpose everyday, and turns a profit so you can support yourself and your family doing work that serves others and that you enjoy.

The type of business I’d like to teach you how to create is an Inspired Business.

While my experience is primarily with independent coaches, consultants, and online businesses, an Inspired Business can fit in any niche.

It’s not a type of business so much as a way of being in business.

Heck, I’d even go so far as to say it’s a way of being in life (and some pretty awesome and magical things happen when you choose to start living this way!)

This is not the type of business you’re going to learn how to build in business school.

However, even if you’ve been to business school (and I have!) what you learn in this course will complement that education and training.

Enroll today and you’ll learn:

  • What an Inspired Business is (and what it is not)
  • What the Circle of Inspired Business is and how to use it as your roadmap 
  • 7 simple steps you can begin taking today to turn your existing business into an Inspired Business, or to create a brand new business
  • What an Inspiration Instigator is, and how to identify yours
  • The role Vision and Planning play in building an Inspired Business (and where they depart from the business school model)
  • The one key thing you MUST do that you’re probably not doing right now (it’s not hard but it will likely require some practice… it did for me)
  • Why this is the best way to find a business that aligns with your Passion
  • Why this is also the best way to Find Your Purpose (or as I prefer to say, have your Purpose find you)
  • Why Profit should not be your first priority (even though it is critically important)
  • The difference between Inspired Marketing and Traditional Marketing and why this world needs more inspired marketers
  • What to do when inspiration fades, and how to get it back
  • How to know when it’s time to let go of a business and move on to something new (and how to figure out what that something new is)
  • How to measure success in a way that’s more meaningful, and sustainable long term, than just how much money you’re making
  • How to ensure you’ll be happy and profitable in your business for as long as you want

Course includes:

  • Video lessons that walk you through each step, one at a time
  • 38-page Companion Ebook/Workbook
  • Examples and assignments to help you implement the steps in your business.
  • Recommended Resources I've used, and that you may find helpful as you begin following inspiration
Who is eligible:

Independent coaches, consultants, and anyone else in a service-based business with the desire to make a difference in the world while making a living, doing work they love.

Additional Information

What you'll learn

  • What an Inspired Business is, and how you can create one.
  • How to create a new business, or build an existing business, with more ease and flow.
  • How to create a business that consistently fills you with a sense of Purpose.
  • How to create a business that enables you to do work you're Passionate about.
  • How to ensure you’ll be Happy and Profitable in your business for as long as you want.
  • How to create a business for the long run, that can support you for as long as you desire.


  • Willingness to think outside the traditional business box.
  • Desire to create a new business, or transform a current business, into one that’s inspired.

Debbie LaChusa

Online Teacher, Author, Blogger, Coach

I suppose you could say I’ve been around the business block a few times. In 1998, after spending 13 years working in advertising agencies, and as a vice president for an international non-profit, I opened my first solo business, DLC Marketing. It was a virtual marketing communications agency and I was blessed to quickly grow it into a six-figure business. It was at that point I decided to take my business online.

So, in 2004, I launched 10stepmarketing, an internet-based marketing training and coaching business. Despite being my first online venture, through determination, hard work, and a quite frankly a little bit of luck, 10stepmarketing also grew to six figures.

In 2012, I created my third, six-figure business, The Business Stylist, an online coaching/consulting/training business focused on helping independent coaches and consultants successfully package, brand, market, and sell their services. And, in 2013, I launched my online course brand, The Business Stylist Marketing Academy. I’m honored that more than 19,800 students in 164 countries have enrolled in my online courses.

In 2018, I retired The Business Stylist, although my online courses remain available online, and followed inspiration to my next venture: moving to the mountains of Western North Carolina and writing my book, The Following Inspiration Experiment. After an 18-month sabbatical, I was inspired to re-open my coaching services and evolve my brand to what it is today: Follow Your Inspiration. My intention is to help others navigate the path between making life and business happen, and learning to live in the flow.

I love creating and sharing content. Over the past 35 years I’ve written and published four books, created and written multiple blogs, and spoken to audiences across the US, in Canada, and Australia, including sharing the stage with celebrity teachers from The Secret.

And, I’ve been fortunate to have my businesses featured in national online and offline media including Entrepreneur magazine, Forbes, CNBC, Inc, Home Business Magazine, and Yahoo! Finance.

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