Construction Supervision Manager

Крайний срок: 24 Июль 2024

Условия контракта: Постоянный

Категория: Строительство

Тип вакансии: Полная ставка

Местонахождение: Ереван

Описание работы

Digitain is looking for a Construction Supervision Manager to join its Construction Department.


  • Take part in the process of signing and control of contracts with Contractor companies
  • Handle the implementation of construction, electricity supply, low-voltage power, office furniture placement plans, perform a technical control of the timeframes and quality of the implementation of works
  • Organize the record-keeping and reporting related to construction works
  • Calculate and order material required for construction
  • Perform checks of performance for the construction works and acceptance into operation
  • Perform modifications in the design drawings
  • Take part in the construction documents’ approval process


  • Experience in drafting and approving construction documents
  • Computer skills, knowledge of AutoCAD; ArchiCAD, MS Word, Excel
  • Knowledge of Revit and 1C software will be considered as an advantage
  • Excellent command of the Armenian language, knowledge of Russian and English languages
  • Outstanding communication and negotiation skills
  • Excellent organizational and time-management skills

Требуемый уровень кандидата: Старший

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Qualified candidates are welcome to apply for the job by following this link

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Привилегии для сотрудников

Бесплатные курсы языков
Медицинская страховка
Тимбилдинг и корпоративные мероприятия
Бесплатный чай, кофе и напитки
Онлайн и местные тренинги
Оплачиваемые выходные
Бонусы, основанные на показателях компании
Программа направления персонала
Игровая зона либо другие развлечения
Скидки и льготы для сотрудников



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