DevOps Engineer

Крайний срок: 31 Июль 2024

Условия контракта: Постоянный

Категория: DevOps/Инфраструктура

Тип вакансии: Полная ставка

Местонахождение: Ереван

Описание работы

We are looking for experienced Mid DevOps Engineer that is passionate about deploying and maintaining robust, scalable, and secure systems. You will be on the front lines collaborating with frontend engineers, backend engineers, infrastructure, devops and monitoring teams to support new and on-going products. You will collaborate with teams across to ensure maximum uptime and continuous service.


  • Design, develop, support, release and maintain all existing and new release platforms and processes
  • Establishing DevOps practices and research and recommend tools and techniques for improving our CI and CD
  • Provide assistance to testers and support other teams in troubleshooting system issues
  • Working hands-on with infrastructure, developers and QA teams
  • Being involved in and drive team architectural discussions
  • Working in a very iterative/agile development environment
  • Able to quickly transition through short (weekly) release and sprint cycles via continuous integration, testing and delivery methodologies
  • Provide assistance in training on key functions of the tools implemented
  • Continuously “refactor” and optimize the process of CI and CD to improve the efficiency and quality of the development cycles
  • Ensure high availability of the infrastructure as we scale


  • 2+ years of automatically provisioning, configuring and deploying environments experience
  • Experience with source code management tools such as AzureDevOps Server(VSTS/GIT) or similar
  • Experience with CI/CD and Automation tools such as Jenkins or similar tools
  • Experience with configuration as a code such as Ansible or similar tools
  • Experience with Linux-based (Red hat, Debian) Servers operations systems
  • Experience in Bash/Shell scripting
  • Experience with Docker
  • Experience with Kubernetes will be plus
  • Experience Microsoft Windows Servers operation systems, especially with Web technologies (IIS) will be plus
  • Experience in PowerShell scripting will be plus
  • Experience in CDN/WAF providers such as Cloudflare
  • Experience in Public Clouds (MS Azure/AWS/Google Cloud Platform) will be plus
  • DNS client/server workflow and architecture
  • Monitoring skills (Zabbix, Grafana)
  • Logging skills (ELK)
  • Customer-oriented, diligent, proactive, focused on achieving customer’s business objectives as top priority
  • Able to work successfully both individually and as a team member
  • Knowledge of English, Russian languages

Требуемый уровень кандидата: Старший

Дополнительная информация

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Профессиональные навыки

Windows Server



Поделитесь этой вакансией в соцсетях.


Привилегии для сотрудников

Бесплатные курсы языков
Медицинская страховка
Тимбилдинг и корпоративные мероприятия
Бесплатный чай, кофе и напитки
Онлайн и местные тренинги
Оплачиваемые выходные
Бонусы, основанные на показателях компании
Программа направления персонала
Игровая зона либо другие развлечения
Скидки и льготы для сотрудников



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