Marketing Intern

Крайний срок: 31 Июль 2024

Условия контракта: Временный

Категория: Маркетинг/Реклама

Тип вакансии: Стажировка

Местонахождение: Ереван

Описание работы

Join SADA GDC as a Marketing Intern!

Your Mission

SADA GDC internships are designed for student candidates to gain hands-on experience. Interns will work alongside various department leaders to contribute successfully to the practice. As a Marketing Intern at SADA, you will work with the Marketing and Sales teams at SADA on various tasks. The ideal candidate will be energetic, creative, enthusiastic, intelligent, analytical, and eager to take on responsibility and learn new skills. They enjoy working in a fast-paced, agile organization and creating an exciting, fun, teamwork-oriented environment.



  • Work closely with the executive management and sales team to analyze market trends, perform competitive analysis and develop new ideas on how to generate new business in Armenia and CEE region..
  • Research and analyze keywords for the B2B tech/SaaS space
  • Assist with special projects, and successfully plan customer and partner events.
  • Collaborate with marketing managers globally on blogs, email campaigns, and social media channels.
  • Monitor, analyze and report key metrics for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Work closely with regional sales rep to update target accounts and run ABM campaigns
  • Additional opportunities to work cross-departmentally with the Training and Communications and Sales departments may arise


Required Credentials:

  • Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Communications, Journalism or related field

Required Qualifications:

  • Experience with social, digital, or online marketing
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and manage deadlines in a fast-paced environment
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Experience and comfort in working in a team environment and with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to commit to at least a 3-month internship
  • Proficient in Google Workspace (Gmail, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team

Требуемый уровень кандидата: Не определено

Дополнительная информация

About SADA

SADA, an Insight company,  is a leading global provider of business and technology services that empowers people to transform their work, their organizations and the world. Our diverse, inclusive teams have the attitude, experience and approach to solve enterprise clients’ most complex problems and achieve their boldest ambitions. A Google Cloud Premier partner for 6 years with multiple Specializations, SADA has earned numerous accolades and awards. , including the Google Cloud Global Reseller Partner of the Year for 2018 and 2019. 

Values:  We built our core values on themes that internally compel us to deliver our best to our partners, our customers and to each other. Ensuring a diverse and inclusive workplace where we learn from each other is core to SADA’s values. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities, and perspectives. We are an equal opportunity employer.

  1. Make them rave
  2. Be data-driven
  3. Be one step ahead
  4. Be a change agent 
  5. Do the right thing

Pathway to Success 

#BeOneStepAhead: At SADA, we are in the business of digital transformation. We are focused on leading-edge technology that is ever-evolving. We embrace change enthusiastically and encourage agility. This means that not only do our teams know that change is inevitable, but they embrace this change to continuously expand their skills, preparing for future customer needs. 

Пожалуйста, непременно укажите, что вы узнали о данной вакансии на

Профессиональные навыки

Цифровой маркетинг

Маркетинговые исследования

Поделитесь этой вакансией в соцсетях. Interview with Hovig Safoian, Founder and Chairman of SADA

"SADA specializes in public cloud computing, particularly Google cloud computing, which includes all the enterprise-level services offered by Google, which by the way are not few. I think the introduction of all these technologies in Armenia will be quite important for Armenian technology companies, as public cloud computing is not so widespread in Armenia, which we are going to change and promote.
We will contribute to the improvement of approaches in the field of education. We will work with large global organizations, we will solve serious problems for those companies, contributing to the modernization of infrastructure, introducing innovations related to cloud technologies, projects. All this will enable Armenian engineers to work with the above-mentioned large global corporations, as well as with the engineering team of SADA's head office, which is the best in its field. And, of course, with Google։ engineers and product teams, taking into account our daily close work with Google."

Hovig Safoian, Founder and Chairman of SADA

You can access the full article here

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Эксклюзивное интервью с Тони Сафояном, генеральным директором SADA, партнером Google Cloud

"Сегодня у Армении есть огромная возможность заявить о себе на рынке высоких технологий, которые будут разработаны в стране, поскольку она может стать поставщиком глобальных услуг. Мы считаем, что сейчас подходящее время и место для развития технологий вместе с молодыми людьми, полными фантастической энергии,"- заявил Тони Сафоян.

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Интервью основателя и председателя компании SADA Systems Овига Сафояна общественному телевидению

В Армении будет создан глобальный центр поставок технологий и бизнеса. 
Интервью основателя и председателя SADA Systems Овига Сафояна Петросу Казаряну.


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Привилегии для сотрудников

Годовой бонус
Ежегодный пересмотр зарплаты
Медицинская страховка
Тимбилдинг и корпоративные мероприятия
Гибкий график
Бесплатный чай, кофе и напитки
Онлайн и местные тренинги
Бесплатная парковка
Оплачиваемые выходные
Медицинское страхование для семьи
Культура деления знаниями
Бонусы, основанные на показателях компании
Спортивный пакет
Возмещение расходов обучения и сертификации
Программа направления персонала
Отпуск по уходу за ребенком
Возмещение расходов сертификации
Скидки и льготы для сотрудников
Подарки на праздники
Игровая зона либо другие развлечения
Приобретение товаров из онлайн брендовых магазинов с логотипом компании
Возмещение расходов на профессиональное развитие
Страхование родственников на льготных условиях
Бесплатное питание



Телефон: +37410303003

Адрес: 6 Derenik Demirtchyan Street, Ереван, Армения