Quality Assurance Intern/ Contractor

Крайний срок: 10 Июль 2024

Условия контракта: Другое

Категория: Обеспечение/контроль качества

Тип вакансии: Временный контракт

Местонахождение: Ереван

Описание работы

Quality Assurance (QA) Intern/ Contractor will work on the running of regression suites, analyzing and publishing the results.


  • Develop modules and scripts to use in the validation scripts of regression tests;
  • Develop TCL scripts and modules for using them in regression tests;
  • Understand the tested feature (mathematical model, parameters, etc.) and do manual testing;
  • Develop test plans;
  • Develop functional and feature regression tests;
  • Look through the results of test runs, inspect the reasons of filed tests and fix them;
  • Prepare test plans (with assistance);
  • Contact with developers if needed, discuss testing aspects;
  • Study software testing tools (the testing framework and GUI testing tools) quickly;
  • Run regression tests for specific custom builds upon the developer request and inspect the results;
  • Perform manual testing.


  • Students with BS/ MS degree or higher;
  • Basic scripting/ coding skills; knowledge of Unix Shells, TCL, Python and Perl is a plus;
  • Ability to search and study documentation;
  • Ability to quickly learn new scripting languages;
  • Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming;
  • Ability to quickly understand the tested feature;
  • Quickly study software testing tools (testing framework, GUI testing tools)
  • Good communication skills in English language;
  • Team working skills.

Требуемый уровень кандидата: Не определено

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Веб-сайт https://eda.sw.siemens.com/

Телефон: +37410390088

Адрес: Halabyan Street, Ереван, Армения