HSBC Bank Armenia CJSC

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457 Подписчики

3 Активные вакансии

401 История вакансий

HSBC is one of the world’s leading banks, with a network covering 66 countries and territories. Our size and global reach mean we offer many ways for you to develop your career. We look for people who think, see and do things differently and who can represent and relate to our diverse global customer base. We want candidates who are motivated, curious, courageous, collaborative and dedicated.

We employ, develop and promote employees based on merit and provide a supportive and inclusive working environment. We want HSBC to be a place where everyone can be themselves and achieve their potential. Our aim is to have a diverse workforce so we can respond to the needs of our customers and develop better products and services.

Индустрия: Финансы/Банк/Страхование
Тип компании: ОАО/ЗАО/ООО
Дата основания: 1996

Количество сотрудников: 200-500

Местонахождение: Паронян 42, Ереван, Армения


Размещенные вакансии (3)

HSBC Bank Armenia's priorities as an employer


Mental, physical and financial well-being, and mindfulness are the areas of wellness we focus on.


We offer competitive salaries, attractive bonuses and performance-based incentive schemes.

double-tick-indicatorFlexible working

Flexible working is a unique benefit that we provide to all our employees with the aim of allowing people to have healthy and productive work-life balance.

double-tick-indicatorPersonal and professional growth

We implement training programmes and Personal Development Plans creating an opportunity for our staff to succeed as experts in their fields of excellence.

HSBC Armenia Brings New Year Joy to Rural Children


New Year's dreams come true. Every year hundreds of children from Armenian different regions believe in New Year's miracles receiving gifts from Santa Claus thanks to "HSBC Bank Armenia" CJSC (hereinafter HSBC Armenia / Bank).

Since 2007, as part of the HSBC Youth Opportunities Programme, HSBC employees around the world have been purchasing toys for children from disadvantaged backgrounds and delivering them to the offices of local partner charity organisations.

The employees of HSBC Armenia enthusiastically take part in this project ahead of the New Year celebrations. They visit the regions, distribute gifts and help create an unforgettable day for the children who believe in Santa.

“Toy Drive is a community support program, which has been implemented by HSBC Armenia for 15 years. I am proud to see our employees enthusiastically participating in the initiative and preparing the gifts with due care. They thrive to grant festive mood to the children for whom attention and affection are of special importance. As a part of our corporate social responsibility, our bank implements numerous projects aimed at contributing to improving the lives of our communities. However, this initiative is special for us, as thanks to the program many children believe that their New Year's dreams that seem improbable can come true," says Irina Seylanyan, Chief Executive Officer of HSBC Armenia.

Привилегии для сотрудников

Годовой бонус
Ежегодный пересмотр зарплаты
Медицинская страховка
Тимбилдинг и корпоративные мероприятия
Гибкий график
Бесплатный чай, кофе и напитки
Онлайн и местные тренинги
Подарки по случаю рождения ребенка
Оплачиваемые выходные
Культура деления знаниями
Программы эмоционального и ментального здоровья
Скидки и льготы для сотрудников
Отпуск по уходу за ребенком
Свадебный подарок/ подарок на свадьбу


Паронян 42, Ереван, Армения