and Repat Armenia launch a new job platform for repatriates


The job search process is one of the most challenging aspects of repatriation. In order to facilitate the integration of current and future repatriates into the armenian labor market,, in collaboration with the Repat Armenia Foundation, announces the launch of a specialized job platform. This collaboration opens a new chapter in the process of repatriation. Through the x Repat Armenia platform, we are creating an opportunity to simplify this process. x Repat Armenia

The new platform is the result of the combined expertise and resources of two leading organizations:, with its prominent position in Armenia’s job market, and Repat Armenia, with its extensive experience in the repatriation field.

It is noteworthy that all organizations already registered on, which are partners of Repat Armenia, can post job openings for repatriates free of charge. New employers also have the opportunity to register on the platform for free and post job announcements aimed at repatriate professionals.

This joint initiative is an important part of the mission of both organizations, contributing to professional repatriation and the development of Armenia.