AM Partners Consulting Company has started its activities in the market of consulting services since November 2006. AM Partners Consulting Company offers wide range of consulting services. The services' package includes implementation of Projects' Monitoring and Evaluation, development of Business and Investment Plans, preparation of Strategic Development Plans, conducting Market Studies for various products, implementation of Sociological Surveys among various target groups of respondents. Fields of activity of our Company's team of consultants are quite large. Among others, the following spheres of economy can be mentioned: industry, agriculture, financial system and financial literacy, pension reforms, nature protection and environment protection (establishment of protected areas, protection of biodiversity, solid waste management, etc.), and other. Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects is one of the most important services our Company offers to its clients. This service contains many sub-types of services, such as Needs Assessment, Social Assessment, Social-Economic Baseline Study, Mid-Term Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Development Projects. We did our best to establish long-term and sustainable relations with our clients and customers, such as various development programs of the World Bank, UN Family, USAID, GIZ, KfW and ADB projects, as well as different private companies and public institutions. Successful cooperation with our clients is based on the trust towards our team, professionalism and appropriateness of provided services.