BMTEC offers solutions when it comes to synthetic materials for national and international companies. Our product parts are shipped all over the world. By always looking for improvement with our clients, we have made major developments over the last few years. Our experts use their knowledge to further companies such as Tesla, Siemens, and Shell. The machine building, automobile, energy, and medical industries can also count on our synthetic product parts.
As a market leader in laser cutting synthetic materials, we know how important it is to continue developing constantly, and take our tech a step further. We want to make the most of it. The desire for improvement and perfection is in our blood, ensuring that we make the most of our synthetic materials, together with our clients. This has caused us to work hard over the past year to develop CutWise.
CutWise is an online application by BMTEC that makes it very easy for you to request a quotation. You enter your needs, and CutWise makes a calculation of your quote. With a single mouse click, this quote can be converted into an order! It enables BMTEC to speed up the entire process from quotation request to order.