GEOVIBE specializes in GeoAI and utilizes latest technology trends to serve critical sectors of the country and supply services to an increasing demand in the global market.
Our services include:
Geospatial Strategy: GEOVIBE can offer a wide range of independent GIS consultancy services to suit your requirements. We address every phase of the GIS life cycle to offer solutions within a variety of different application areas.
GeoSolutions: GEOVIBE delivers well-tested, well-documented and high-performing software. We focus on simplicity of use and business knowledge to provide bespoke applications.
GeoAI: GEOVIBE specializes in deep learning. Using artificial neural networks we detect patterns in large data sets such as video or satellite or drone imagery. Geospatial data, technology and analytics are our core competencies.
GeoEnablement: We offer customized courses focusing on the topics of your interest, and using your data as training input. GEOVIBE will help you prepare capacity building strategy over 2-5 years.
For more infor please visit our web-page at www.geo-vibe.com