Envirotech Armenia

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Envirotech Armenia aims to be one of the leading marketing companies in the local market. We thrive under pressure and that helps us reach our goals. The main direction of the company’s activity is to expand, reach new heights and new levels of set objectives. We believe that our approach that is goal oriented, keeps our team motivated which will help them with personal growth and inevitably professional growth.

Looking at the history of the company, which started in 2019 with only one department. Two years later, we have tripled in number and have several other departments. This shows the company’s potential which still has room to expand.

Our team of specialists have one thing in common, the commitment to their work. That’s what makes us thrive. During the recruitment process we tend to search and find the same quality in our recruits.

Each and every individual at Envirotech Armenia has passed through a unique training which helps them prepare for the responsibilities given to them regarding their role in the company. When it comes to personal growth, a simple marketing agent can climb up the ladder of becoming a member of the Envirotech Armenia management team.

Our core company values are:

  • Leadership: Innovation allows you to connect with the dormant leader inside you.
  • Employee: The morale helps create a unique atmosphere, full of people from different cultural backgrounds which creates and spreads positivity.
  • Synergy: Working together toward a common vision, to achieve organizational objectives.
    “The whole is greater than the sum of its part” – Aristotle
  • Self-development: Develop and enrich communication skills through extensive training. No matter how good you are, it’s good to remember that there’s always room to grow more.

Envirotech Armenia has a series of traditions which are organized frequently, but the most interesting tradition is the “Marathon day” that occurs on the last Friday of every month. It is a themed event organized to celebrate the end of the month, and help our team reach their individual goals.

As the recruit advances in skills, they will be granted with an opportunity to become a higher ranking marketing agent in our team, and if this individual makes remarkable progress, they will eventually end up in the management team.

Industry: Services
Date of Foundation: 2019

Number of Employees: 200-500

Location: 125 Armenak Armenakyan St, Yerevan, Armenia


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Medical insurance
Teambuilding and corporate events
Local and online training package
Complimentary tea, coffee and refreshments
"Baby born" package
Free meal(s)/Coupons
Company performance-based bonuses
Reward System
Special day-offs
Staff referral program
Gamezone or fun activities
Financial services with preferential rates


125 Armenak Armenakyan St, Yerevan, Armenia