LS Innovations

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21 job history

LS Innovations LLC is a progressive innovative IT company with the mission to create the most innovative solutions with the most innovative technologies.

Within a short period of time organization became a strong player in the field, and still growing at the fast speed.

Our products are designed so as to meet our customers wants and needs, by making competitive and quality products. We have been working with different industries such as governmental, marketing and advertising, travel and hospitality etc.

We provide a range of services:

Full Stack Programming
Cloud Application 
Architecture and Development
BlockChain etc.

Our team of enthusiasts believes that software creation is a fascinating combination of artistry and engineering. We believe that one should work hard to get the desired results.

Industry: Information technologies
Date of Foundation: 2017

Number of Employees: 50-200

Location: Mamikonyanc 48, Yerevan, Armenia


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Mamikonyanc 48, Yerevan, Armenia
(044) 544-511