Sharoyan-Sarian LLC / Haleb Stores

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After living in Syria for several generations, in 1998 our family made a clear decision to permanently repatriate to Armenia along with establishing a family business to spread a bit of Eastern culture in our new homeland. In Middle East every detail matters which makes a family business a mini culture. You design everything on your own, with your hands, then pass the family recipes on to the successors. And when your business is in production, everything should be handmade. You pass on not only the secret recipes, but also special skills and techniques of handmade products to the next generation. These skills and recipes vary from family to family, and that is why every family business has its unique style and character.
Being a part of this culture, we decided to create “Haleb” with an eastern recipe  and with Armenian touch.

Industry: Retail business
Date of Foundation: 1999

Number of Employees: up to 50

Location: Zaqyan 4/77, Yerevan, Armenia


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Zaqyan 4/77, Yerevan, Armenia