Our Mission
Provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the mortgage market in Armenia.
Our Main Goal
Create conditions to make mortgage loans affordable for low- and middle-income families across Armenia and improve those families’ housing conditions.
We also prioritize energy efficiency measures that contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of Armenian families and contribute to the sustainable development goals. In order to reach the specified target, the Company received a second party opinion from Moody's.
Our Long-Term Goal
Closely interlink housing refinancing and capital markets through mortgage bonds, which will facilitate the accomplishment of our mission and the main goal.
To achieve its target, the Company has recieved a credit rating from Moody's.
Operating in the secondary mortgage market, we do not directly provide loans to natural persons. We cooperate with banks and credit organizations providing them long-term refinancing loans with low interest rates, which, in turn, makes mortgage loans affordable for households.
For refinancing purposes we have used our own resources, including both equity and debt, long-term loan from Government of RA, as well as KfW, AFD, EU, and BSTDB funds.