Synergy International Systems

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Empowering impact-driven organizations since 1997. 

Synergy Intelligent Data Manager (IDM)™ is a complete platform for rapidly building web-based business applications. It is the unifying technology behind our various products.

IDM uses a metadata-driven architecture whereby the features and functionality of an application are stored in a metadata repository, called the knowledgebase, rather than being hard-coded in a programming language. The great benefit of this is that creating an application using IDM means configuring IDM’s knowledgebase instead of writing code from scratch. In other words, creating an application with IDM is much faster and simpler. And when business requirements evolve, the application can be easily adapted or expanded to remain relevant.

Complementing this metadata-driven approach is IDM’s off-the-shelf analytical reporting engine, which makes data usable and actionable.

Индустрия: Информационные технологии
Тип компании: Другое
Дата основания: 1997

Количество сотрудников: 50-200

Местонахождение: 5 Armenak Armenakyan Street, Ереван, Армения


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About Synergy International Systems

Synergy International Systems – Empowering impact-driven organizations


We provide specialized software and tailored services for the digitalization of justice, monitoring and evaluation, social protection, and public financial management. Our core product domains are:

Synergy eCase

Enabling courts and judicial institutions to digitalize the management of cases, automate processes, and serve citizens in an efficient, accountable and transparent manner.

Synergy Indicata

Empowering public sector and nonprofit organizations to streamline program and grant management, evaluate their performance and results.

Synergy Auxilium

Enables governments to effectively administer the full cycle of social protection programs on a single platform - Integrated Beneficiary Management.

Synergy PFM

Allowing governments to prioritize, plan, and implement public investment projects with a result-driven platform under an umbrella system for a transparent and integrated approach for all ministries top down.

Synergy Benefits

At Synergy, we are good at everything we do, so we are good at having fun too! 

We work hard, we play harder. Table tennis, table football, videogames, coffee corner and balconies with amazing views are inseparable part of our office life.

Collaborating and coding: Hackathon, AI challenge and hacking tournaments are traditional and beloved all-staff events at Synergy. We love to be creative and innovative, accept challenges and conquer them. 

Company social events are what we always look forward to, as it is one more opportunity to try ourselves in totally different sphere and yet be as innovative and zealous as we usually are like  Sysled Challenge.

We care about our employee’s physical and mental health and provide medical insurance and paid time off. 10 paid extra days are a great contribution to the rest as well. In addition, we value the time spent of our employees with their kids and offer paid child day off for each child.  

Self-improvement and self-initiatives are an essential part of the company and Synergy encourages them by Lunch & Learn sessions, semi-annual trainings, and certification programs. Our employees also have the opportunity to participate in professional trainings and conferences abroad.

We organize work-related and out of work interesting and fun activities that interest our employees. Synergy Happiness Goals (SHGs) is a bunch of fun and entertaining activities that include art, fun, health and much more. 

How we have fun !

We work hard and party harder! Check-out our videos from different events. 

Привилегии для сотрудников

Медицинская страховка
Тимбилдинг и корпоративные мероприятия
Гибкий график
Бесплатный чай, кофе и напитки
Подарки по случаю рождения ребенка
Бесплатная парковка
Медицинское страхование для семьи
Культура деления знаниями
Специальные выходные
Программы эмоционального и ментального здоровья
Отпуск по уходу за ребенком
Возмещение расходов сертификации
Подарки на праздники
Игровая зона либо другие развлечения
Участие в спортивных и интеллектуальных играх
Глобальное страхование бизнес путешествий


5 Armenak Armenakyan Street, Ереван, Армения