2D/3D Senior Animator | Galaxsys

Крайний срок: 25 Июль 2024

Условия контракта: Постоянный

Категория: UI/UX/график дизайн

Тип вакансии: Полная ставка

Местонахождение: Ереван

Описание работы

Galaxsys has an opening for an experienced 2D/3D Senior Animator to create rich graphics igames. In this role you will be responsible for 2D/3D animation.


  • Creates computer generated animation of symbols, effects, UI and characters using Spine & After effects.
  • Possesses advanced and applied understanding of animation principles timing, Staging, anticipation, squash and stretch etc.
  • Strong animation fundamentals with a focus on humans, animals, creatures and mechanical movement.
  • Collaborates with Art Director, 2DArtists to finalize Animations for each project.
  • Provides artwork for review at appropriate stages and applies feedback accordingly with quick turnaround.
  • Prepares data for in-game implementation, working within production requirements in collaboration with the Software team
  • Modifies game art under tight deadlines.


  • At least 4 years of experience in 2D2D/3D animations
  • Understands a broad range of game types, products.
  • Can complete complex data setup of complex game art parts, and use new techniques, products.
  • Understands development process for game art development, handles data setup, and can identify/propose process improvements.
  • Aligns each game's art creation with the functional spec/graphic proposal, including conceptual art and storyboards.
  • Creates animations focusing on visual reinforcement of game rules and game flow.
  • Able to use various digital inking and rendering methods and styles Strong understanding of all aspects of concept art regarding illustration and design.
  • Working Knowledge of Adobe applications such as After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator etc.


  • Basic/Intermediate knowledge of Cinema 4D.
  • Experience in making slot games

Требуемый уровень кандидата: Старший

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Профессиональные навыки

Cinema 4D

2D анимация

3D animation

Личные навыки

Переговорные навыки

Управление временем

Командный игрок

Поделитесь этой вакансией в соцсетях.


Привилегии для сотрудников

Бесплатные курсы языков
Медицинская страховка
Тимбилдинг и корпоративные мероприятия
Бесплатный чай, кофе и напитки
Онлайн и местные тренинги
Оплачиваемые выходные
Бонусы, основанные на показателях компании
Программа направления персонала
Игровая зона либо другие развлечения
Скидки и льготы для сотрудников


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